// author: Neil // date: 2/1/2015 // version: 0.9 // description: Dashboard1 // inputs: action,update,debug // resultFormat: html // ttl: 60 // How to use this script. // 1. Add authentication restrictions above (see REST API tutorial for examples). // 2. Edit the spec {} structure below // - define "value" entries // - use them to define "cell" entries // - arrange the cells in the "layout" // 3. Access the URL. The dashboard should appear. If not, try troubleshooting steps: // (a) try ?action=spec - should dump the spec. // (b) try ?action=data&debug=1 - should describe the queries without running them. // (c) try ?action=data - this will query for the data. // (c) try ?action=data&update=true - just the last 10 minutes of data. var action = action||"dash"; var update = update || "no"; var debug = debug || 0; debug = parseInt(debug); ///////////////////// Dashboard spec ///////////////////////////// var spec = { "title":"example dashboard page title", "value": { // Named value-specs that we will use below, fields are: // select[] -- required -- query fields // units[] -- required -- strings // scale[] -- optional -- numbers // colors[] -- optional -- colors "bps": { "select":[ "rate(bytes)" ], "scale": [8], "units": ["Bits Per Second"], }, "fps": { "select": [ "rate(frames)" ], "units": ["Packets Per Second"] }, "c_bps": { "select": [ "rate(ifinoctets)" ], "scale": [8], "units": ["Bits/sec"] }, "c_errs": { "select": [ "ifinerrors","ifouterrors","sum(ifinerrors ifouterrors)"], "units": ["Errors In", "Errors Out", "Errors"] }, "c_errs_detail": { "select": [ "symbolerrors","fcserrors","alignmenterrors"], "units": ["Symbol Errors", "FCS Errors", "Alignment Errors"] }, "loadavg": { "select": ["load_one"], "units": ["Load Avg (1 min)"], "colors": ["yellow"] }, "loadpercpu": { "select": ["loadpercpu_one"], "units": ["Load Avg Per CPU (1 min)"], "colors": ["yellow"] }, "temp": { "select": ["temperature"], "units": ["C"], }, "env": { "select": ["power","psus","psus_failed","fans","fans_failed","temperature"], "units": ["W","PSUs","PSUs Failed","Fans","Fans Failed","C"], }, }, "common": { // Default settings for cells below. "minutes": 60, // time-window "group": 1, // time-grouping "view": "rttraffic", // query view "filter": { // default filter (by view) "rttraffic": null, // e.g. "ipsource=" "ifcounters": null, "events": null }, "n": 5, // top-N "globaltruncate": false, // true => topN over all minutes; false => topN per time-group "includeother": false, // true => include total for keys not in topN "nullsinkeys": false, // true => allow some keys to be missing "keys": null, // [] default query keys "keynames": null, // [] display names for keys "values": null, // [] from value-spec names defined above "table": false, // true => HTML table; false => trend chart "stack": true, }, "cells": { // Named chart/table cells. // Defaults inherited from "common" above. "chart1": { "minutes": 300, "keys": ["sourceaddress"], "keynames": ["Source Address"], "values": ["bps"], "includeother": true }, "chart2": { "keys": ["destinationaddress"], "keynames": ["Destination Address"], "values": ["bps"] }, "chart3": { "view": "ifcounters", "keys": ["agent"], "keynames": ["Device"], "values": ["temp"], "stack": false, }, "chart4": { "title": "Hosts load-avg per cpu", "view": "host", "values": ["loadpercpu"], "keys": ["hostname"], }, "table1": { "table": true, "view": "ifcounters", "title": "Env Data", "keys": ["agent"], "keynames": ["Device"], "values": ["env"], "n": 10 }, "table2": { "table": true, "view": "ifcounters", "keys": ["interface"], "values": ["c_errs_detail"], "n": 10 } }, "layout": [ // arrange cells in rows [ "chart1", "chart2" ], [ "chart3", "chart4" ], [ "table1", "table2" ], ] }; ///////////////////// shared ///////////////////////////// function get_divclass(table) { return table ? "topntable" : "trend"; } ///////////////////// actions ///////////////////////////// if(action == "spec") { println(JSON.stringify(spec, null, 4)); } else if(action == "data") { var separator = "_SEP_"; var otherstr = "-other-"; // utility to scale values in a callback row function scaleValues(row, scale) { if(scale.length) { for(var ss = 1; ss < scale.length; ss++) { var scl = scale[ss]; var idx = row.length - scale.length + ss; var val = row[idx]; if(val && scl) row[idx] = val * scl; } } } // function used to build query-callback for a query row function topNTrendCallback(chart, cell, scale) { // utility to represent a compound key as a string function extractKey(row) { // assume row[0] is time, and keys are next var key = ""; var other = true; if(cell.keys) { for(var kk = 1; kk < (1 + cell.keys.length); kk++) { if(row[kk]) other = false; if(kk > 1) key += separator; key += row[kk] || "null"; } } return other ? otherstr : key; } return function(row) { var times = chart.trend.times; var trend = chart.trend.trends[chart.id]; var tbin = chart.trend.maxpoints-1; var tim = row[0].getTime(); var key = extractKey(row); scaleValues(row, scale); // take last value var val = row[row.length-1]; if(tbin == -1 || tim != times[tbin]) { // start new time-bin chart.trend.maxpoints++; times.push(tim); trend.push({}); tbin++; chart.trailingNull = true; } // add key-value pair to time-bin var topN = trend[tbin]; topN[key] = val; if(val) chart.trailingNull = false; }; } // function used to build query-callback for a query row // where there are no keys - only one or more values function valueTrendCallback(chart, cell, scale, units) { return function(row) { var times = chart.trend.times; var trend = chart.trend.trends[chart.id]; var tbin = chart.trend.maxpoints-1; var tim = row[0].getTime(); if(tbin == -1 || tim != times[tbin]) { // start new time-bin chart.trend.maxpoints++; times.push(tim); trend.push({}); tbin++; chart.trailingNull = true; } scaleValues(row, scale); for(var vv = 0; vv < units.length; vv++) { var key = units[vv]; var val = row[1 + vv]; // add key-value pair to time-bin - will this scramble the ordering? var topN = trend[tbin]; topN[key] = val; if(val) chart.trailingNull = false; } }; } function tableQueryCallback(chart, cell, scale) { return function(row) { scaleValues(row, scale); chart.rows.push(row); }; } function tableTailQueryCallback(chart, cell, scale) { return function(row) { scaleValues(row, scale); // just want the last N rows, newest first // (events query sometimes gives more than N) chart.rows.unshift(row); if(chart.rows.length > chart.n) { chart.rows.pop(); } }; } // build a multiquery job for each view, but only for // the cells that made it into the layout var cellsIncluded = {}; for each(var row in spec.layout) { for each(var cellID in row) { cellsIncluded[cellID] = true; } } var jobs = {}; for (var cellID in spec.cells) { if(!cellsIncluded[cellID]) continue; var cell = spec.cells[cellID]; var view = cell.view || spec.common.view; var job = jobs[view]; if(job == null) { job = jobs[view] = {}; job.q = new Query(); job.q.view = view; job.q.multiquery = true; job.q.select = []; job.q.where = []; job.q.interval = []; job.q.group = []; job.q.sort = []; job.q.truncate = []; job.q.includeother = []; job.q.nullsinkeys = []; job.q.globaltruncate = []; job.q.threads = 1; job.callbacks = []; job.charts = {}; } // construct query for this cell var stack = cell.stack==null ? (spec.common.stack==null ? true : spec.common.stack) : cell.stack; var table = cell.table==null ? (spec.common.table||false) : cell.table; var divclass = get_divclass(table); var select = []; // tables don't inherit the 'group' setting since it's so // unlikely that we want time-grouping there. var default_group = table ? null : spec.common.group; var group = cell.group==null ? default_group : cell.group; // time always comes first, if we are grouping if(group) select.push("time"); // then keys var keys = cell.keys || spec.common.keys; if(keys == null) keys = []; select = select.concat(keys); // pick up keynames here too var keynames = cell.keynames || spec.common.keynames; if(keynames == null) keynames = keys; // now add values and their properties var values = cell.values || spec.common.values; var sort = null; var nvalues = 0; var units = []; var sortUnits = null; var scale = []; var colors = []; if(cell.values) { for each (var valkey in values) { var valspec = spec.value[valkey]; if(valspec) { nvalues += valspec.select.length; select = select.concat(valspec.select); if(valspec.units) units = units.concat(valspec.units); else units = units.concat(valspec.select); // fall back on select strings if(valspec.scale) scale = scale.concat(valspec.scale); else for(var ss = 0; ss < valspec.select.length; ss++) scale.push(1); // no scale => all '1's if(valspec.colors) colors = colors.concat(valspec.colors); else for(var ss = 0; ss < valspec.select.length; ss++) colors.push(""); // "" => auto } } sort = select[select.length - 1]; // sort by last value sortUnits = units[units.length - 1]; } // add the cell's query to the multiquery for this view job.q.select.push(select.join(",")); job.q.sort.push(sort); job.q.where.push(cell.filter==null ? spec.common.filter[view] : cell.filter); var minutes = 10; // update only, but allow for recent data rewrite (DNS, NetFlow etc.) if(update == "no") minutes = (cell.minutes || spec.common.minutes); job.q.interval.push("now - " + minutes + " min,last"); job.q.group.push(group); var truncate = cell.n || spec.common.n; job.q.truncate.push(truncate); job.q.includeother.push(cell.includeother==null ? (spec.common.includeother||false) : cell.includeother); job.q.nullsinkeys.push(cell.nullsinkeys==null ? (spec.common.nullsinkeys||false) : cell.nullsinkeys); job.q.globaltruncate.push(cell.globaltruncate==null ? (spec.common.globaltruncate||false) : cell.globaltruncate); // add keynames, color, units etc. to the chart object so that // they are visible to the poller when charts are constructed var chart = job.charts[cellID] = { "id": cellID, "keynames": keynames, "units": sortUnits, "separator": separator, "otherstr": otherstr, "divclass": divclass, "nvalues": nvalues, "colors": colors, "n": truncate, "stack": stack }; // now prepare the chart object to receive data row by row as the query runs if(divclass == "trend") { // build the chart data structure to match what chart is looking for chart.trend = { 'maxpoints': 0, 'times': [], "trends": {}}; chart.trend.trends[cellID] = []; // and add the query callback to populate it. Note that we use a // function-to-build-a-function so that 'chart' is captured in closure if(cell.keys && cell.keys.length > 0) { job.callbacks.push(topNTrendCallback(chart, cell, scale)); } else { job.callbacks.push(valueTrendCallback(chart, cell, scale, units)); } } else if(divclass == "topntable") { // client side expects just an array of arrays in "chart.rows" chart.rows = []; if(nvalues) { // round out the keynames list to be the table column headings if(group) chart.keynames.unshift("time"); chart.keynames = chart.keynames.concat(units); } if(view == "events") { // if "id" is in the keys, then this is a "tailing" query var tail = false; for each(var kk in keys) if(kk == "id") tail = true; chart.tail = tail; } job.callbacks.push(chart.tail ? tableTailQueryCallback(chart, cell, scale) : tableQueryCallback(chart, cell, scale)); } else { throw("unknown divclass: " + divclass); } } function cleanupChart(chart) { // remove trailing nulls - cause by "last" timebin not having data yet if(chart && chart.trailingNull && chart.trend && chart.trend.times) { chart.trend.times.pop(); } } if(debug) { // just print the jobs println(JSON.stringify(jobs, null, 4)); } else { // run each multiquery job, and collect results var result = {}; result.ok = true; result.charts = {}; try { for each (var job in jobs) { job.q.run(job.callbacks); for (var ch in job.charts) { var chart = job.charts[ch]; cleanupChart(chart); result.charts[ch] = chart; } } } catch(err) { result.ok=false; result.error = err; } println(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)); } } else { // action = "dash" -- emit HTML describing the dashboard function get_cell_title(cell) { var title = cell.title; if(title == null) { // make up a title from the spec var keynames = cell.keynames || cell.keys; var view = cell.view || spec.common.view; var filter = cell.filter==null ? spec.common.filter[view] : cell.filter; if(keynames) { title = "Top " + keynames.join(); if(cell.values) title += " By: " + cell.values.join(); if(filter) title += " Where: " + filter; } else if(cell.values) { title = "Trend " + cell.values,join(); if(filter) title += " Where: " + filter; } } return title; } println(""); println(""); println(''); println(''); println(''); println(''); println(''); println(''); println(''); println(''); println(''); println(''); // poll for data periodically println(''); println(""); println(""); println('
'); println(''); println(''); println(''); println(''); println(''); for each(var row in spec.layout) { println(''); for each(var cellID in row) { var cell = spec.cells[cellID]; var table = cell.table==null ? (spec.common.table||false) : cell.table; var divclass = get_divclass(table); var title = get_cell_title(cell); println(''); } println(''); } println(''); println('
' + spec.title + '
'); println('
'); println('

' + title + '

'); println('
'); println('
'); println('
'); println("
"); println(""); println(""); }